Hebrews 11:6
" But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him"
As Christian's we know we can not please God with simple works that we see as good. There are plenty of people and religions who believe you have to work to earn God's favor but that is not true. When people say that they are good because they follow the ten commandments and don't do anything wrong legally,That with this mentality we are please who they call a "higher power," But the problem with this mindset is that you are not giving God any glory for anything he has done for you. Or even acknowledging God in the first place.
It is by faith, exclaiming that God is our redeemer, our rock and salvation. That is son died for us and now we are seen perfect in his eyes. It is by accepting this and believing in him that we are rewarded, Remember the word "diligently" you are consistently seeking God, we know we need him always we can not just simple say that one day we are saved and now we don't need to do anything else. No we have to seek him every day, every hour of our live, whether we are at work, in the field, playing a game, or just relaxing at home. we must have faith in God and seek him. For only then can we be rewarded by him.
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