Judges 19:30
"consider of it , take advice, speak your minds"
this is the last line in this chapter. prior to this sentence a levite has taken a concubine as a wife, that same wife/concubine the levite fed to a mob of Benjamite men so that he would not have to deal with the men's "humiliation." She was used and abused and left for dead. The levite, unphased by this takes the body of the woman takes a knife and cuts her into 12 pieces and scatter the pieces all over Israel. This level of depravity was not seen since they were in Egypt.
Consider of it, the horror, cruelty, sickness that man will go when God is in charge.
Take advice, the advice that is shown in this passage. there is no sound judgment without God.
Speak your minds. Tell the world what you have learned. Tell the world what God has done for you, what God has done for all of us. Speak your mind about Jesus.
God thank you for giving me such a powerful message to think on today. much like the Israelites, when we are left to decide what is good and ignoring the teachings, what horrors come from Man's justification. Thank you for being the judge and deciding factor in my life.
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