What else did Jesus came to do? (Catholic inspired challenge)

Myself: "Jesus saves the lost"
Woman: "What else?"
Myself: " To die for our sins"
Woman: "What else?"
Myself: "To bare of burdens on the cross"
Woman: "what else?"
Myself: "To bring us to God"
Woman: "what else?"
Myself: "To make us blameless in front of God"
Woman: 'what else?"
I am just confused by this, I was wondering what answer was she looking for?
Then she gives me her answer.
Woman: "Jesus came to show us the way."
At that point I was not stunned I was joyful. "Amen sister" I replied back to her as I began to leave for my car. Then she said to me with a smile and chuckle, "At least that's what we Catholics thinks"
That took me for a moment, she boasted ,slightly, in that fact that her doctrine believed that. Or at least what they say to themselves. but the problem with that was the fact that Catholics believe that the pope as a link, a way to God.
At that point I felt a stir, not of anger but a need to tell her this " That's right Jesus shows the way. for the Bible says that Jesus said that he is the way, the truth, and the light and that no one can come to the father but by me." once I said that she simply gave me a thumbs and told me to have a good day and I drove home
It felt amazing, not that she was catholic, but the fact that I was in a conversation of sorts that challenged me to think on what Jesus came to do and who he is. Jesus is a man and he is God. He came down to win the lost make a way for us to come to the father and that is through the Lord Jesus himself. Not a man in an Ivory tower. Not some man that we deem to he the priest who knows the truth of God; but we look up to our high priest who tore the veil and destroyed the separation that was between us and God himself.
Yes Jesus showed us the way. He is the way. The only way.
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