Percent Growth, Big Day Event

Well this month was a true blessing all around.
My wife and I announced that we are having a child. We started raising support for our internship and we were able to spend time with veteran missionaries and parents as we are stepping into a new walk of life.

This was our first month of support raising for our internship and It has been an eye opening experience seeing how people respond to to hearing that my wife and I are heading to south america.
I would like to thank our missionary family for taking us on. As well as the amazing love offerings we have receive from our friends. We couldn't ask for better people to serve God with.

Now for our Big day news, my wife and I are having a child as many of you are aware.
We have receive our due that. May 5th 2018, the newest member of our family will be here. This is an nervous time for my wife and myself, but it changes our focuses slightly. I would ask that you would pray for us as we look to raise more money in case the child is born in Bolivia and we will need to file paperwork for the baby to leave the country. or is we will be able to leave early and come back to america for the delivery.


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