How to cure the case of being terrible husband.

This entire blog will focus on the man's responsibility in the matter. If there needs to be a woman's part, then I'll ask my wife to write one. This is an exert from my personal marriage commentary.

Husbands, love your wives and be not bitter against them Col 3:19

I am guilty of being bitter towards my wife and I have no right to be, I am told to not be bitter against her and to love her as my own.

From 1 Timothy to Titus, I am supposed to be blameless and be the head of my home. only then can I do ministry. How can I serve God and Lead his people, if I can not lead my home? 1 Peter 3:7 States that I need to love with my wife according to the word of God. I am to take care of her. To protected her. I notice that in the verses before this one that the wife is to be subjective to the husband. Even if the husband was not following the word. Through her example, the husband could come to know the Lord. This passage mention Sarah and Abraham. And how Sarah trusted God. I think of all the mess Abraham put her through. He disobeyed God by disowning his wife and claiming her as his sister. Only to have her obey and given to another man. But even if Abraham disobeyed God Sarah still acted as a holy woman and obeyed her husband. and God rewarded her for that and kept her safe.

My wife is a Godly woman and has remained that way every time I have failed. It is time I was her husband and treated her like the wife and weaker vessel that she is. Not weaker in the sense that she is helpless, but in the sense that I, being her husband, decided in front of God himself said this is the woman you gave me and now I will love her and protect her the way you would have me do if it were my own flesh. Because she is my own flesh. Eph. 5:29

I'll close with this, there is an old saying, "happy wife, happy life." While most husbands would joke about that phrase and agree with it. That phrase does not mean just say yes even when you think she's wrong. The Bible calls us to be leaders in our home. The best way to make your wife happy is to lead her. Not as a child or as an animal. But as you grow in the Lord, you can minister to her and help her grow. We are to lead how Christ lead, and He did not lead with a closed fist or with a "yes dear" attitude. But He did lead with a heart of Love, Sacrifice, and service. I'll dive more into that in my next marriage blog post. You all have a blessed day.


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