7 Ways to be her hero.
7 Ways to be her Hero written by Doug Fields is a book written to ward husbands who are failing at their marriages. This book targets husbands who are not leading their home. For men who do not understand their responsibility as a husband and as a leader. It is written plainly and meant to be as relaxed as it can while given a break down about what my role is as a husband. But the relaxed tone of the book does not hide the truth that is in it.
You could not have picked a better book for a guy like me. Just a blunt and no sugar coating. No dancing around subjects. It puts everything out on full display and does not hide anything. He doesn't shy away from the truth behind the matters at hand. The truth behind the matter is that I have sucked at being my wife's husband. I have sucked at being there for her. Just last night I saw just how much I am not showing her that I am not as supportive as I thought.
My conclusion is this, I will read my bible and I will read these books and write on everything that I get out of it all. But more importantly I need to lead my home. Otherwise all of these will mean nothing. If I can’t lead my home properly after all of this is over. I won’t even ask to preach or for ministry. Because I will fail at that because I am failing at marriage. That is not me throwing in the towel. That is just me saying the facts. I can fake it with everyone, but at this point you all have seen enough of fake me.
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