Are you Fighting to Be heard?

 1 Tim 6:12

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. "

Have you been in a struggle? That sound like a crazy question to ask, but have you actually been in a struggle. Most people who associates with remember my one time appearance in underground boxing and the aftermath of taking on a well trained fighter, me just being a Joe off the street. But what most people see is from spectator view. Yeah I lost the fight, but it was a fight. Crowding the boxer trying to find an opening, in a mildly sick sense of pride the man I fought said "If you had've backed off I would've gone light but you kept coming." I loved hearing that, see I come from a life before I was saved of backyard fights, school fights, family brawls. I am not shy about taking a punch and giving one back. That is just how I was  taught. 

But this question I ask about struggle is more of a emotional and more importantly a  spiritual. Have you as a saved person had to fight to be heard by someone who is not a believer. In 1 Timothy Paul is reminding Timothy and to all believers who later read this letter. That you are in a fight for your faith. You have now by you profession that Jesus came to this place, humbled himself to be 100% man and 100% God to then follow the laws he laid out for us. The law he laid out for the world. 

Phil. 2:8 "and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. " 

God himself received a believers baptism, he professed the name of God and that the son of Man (himself) came to this earth to save the wicked and the sinner. And that profession was met at practically every turn with a fight. whether politically form the leaders at the time, spiritually by demon and satan tempting him. How even from his own people and disciples. God's messages is a message that needs to be told and heard by everyone. But that does not come easy. But there are ways you can serve in this fight and share that faith. 

You can resist temptation and share with others where you find the strength to do so. You can share your faith out right with someone at a gas station or a grocery store. You can show your neighbor kindness and serve them out of love for the God that loves them. We all can find a way to be in the fight. How will you fight to be heard?

God, you call me to be faithful and live a life of obedience to you. Thank you for giving me your Word to show me how to do that. I struggle at  professing your name to those around me Lord, but I pray for a strength resolve to see more people come you know you today Lord. I ask all these things in Jesus' name. Amen and Amen 


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