Purposeful Positive Thinking
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8
Truth, honesty, Just, Pure, Lovely, Good Report.
Listing the qualities that we should think about makes me reminisce about the old cartoon "Captain Planet" from the '90s. Teenagers who had to combine the elements of the world, (And heart for some reason), to form the ultimate eco-friendly superhero.
Now, this is not a devotion so you go searching for an old TV show. Nor to have you think of Jesus or Paul as superheroes. But there was a purpose behind the show. A small purpose, but a purpose. Now the show as a whole was about protecting the environment. But it showed that they need to purposely come together in order to make something happen.
For believers, we have to walk in a world where our thoughts are in a constant tug-a-war between God and the world. We need to be purposeful. we need to combine certain thoughts to create the right mindset for the Christian life. If we are distracted by the negatives of this world then we are becoming like the negative of this world. The bible says whatever comes out of your mouth shows what is in your heart, (I'm paraphrasing). We as Christians struggle with this because the negative thought process is the easy route it is the familiar route. It is the sinful route. You may ask how is it sinful? Think about this, Negative mindsets come from self-examination and focus. And it is so easy to become offended and take everything personally and think everyone is out to get you. If you are always and I do mean ALWAYS, focus on yourself and what you want. That the slightest thing will hurt you and send you down the spiral of self-loathing and anger, Or even overthinking how that action hurt you and just you.
Everyone needs to have positive thought life. not saying you won't have negative thoughts. But there needs to be more positive to outweigh the negative. And by me saying that "you need to think positively" I am saying that just think about what makes you feel better and go on with that. I titled the devotion "Purposeful Positive Thinking" You need to make an effort, The list in the verse is what you need to think on. I'm not saying you can't listen to music or play games or whatever because I do those things as well, but there will be a point where the games and music will be a drug that will numb you from the world around you and whenever you are not in the music or games you will more sensitive to the negative thoughts of the world.
Purposeful Positive Thinking is searching and praying and seeking God out to ask Him "God what is true about the world, about me, about how you see me?" Start there and go down the list. Seek and ye shall find. The Lord has filled his world with the tools to get you to seek and change your mind in a positive light. I will never say that "oh just read the bible and you will get better, just be more faithful." I will say this and end it. How has self-examination worked so far? Maybe it is time to turn it over to God. Not just saying Lord change my thoughts, but ask the Lord to show you and teach you what He wants you to think so You can focus on them. Every day is a struggle until the Lord returns, let's have the Lord help you in the war of the mind. God Bless and have a better day today than yesterday.
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