Your ministry is not your ministry/Your job is not your job.

The passage or passages I want you to read in order to understand where I am coming from in this is in the book of Matthew chapter 25 verses 14-30. The story of the Talents.

When you read this passage of the Bible I want you to read it with this mindset: do you think what you have is your own?  I know my title mentioned the word ministry and the word job, but I want you to apply this to everything in your life. Do you think what you have is your own?

In this passage, Jesus is telling a parable about a master and his servants. In this parable, the master gave talents or his goods to his servants; some received 5 talents, some received 2 talents and so on and so forth. He gave them each one of these according to their abilities and went off to travel. Now based on their abilities the servants were able to either multiply the talents or do nothing with the talents. I'll pause right here and ask this question: based on what you know you are capable of or you think you are capable of, do you think that you would be one of the servants who would multiply talents or one who would do nothing with talents?

Meanwhile back in the parable, the master returned to see what his servants had accomplished with the talents that he gave them. One by one, each servant came forward to present what they had done with the talent they were given by the man. The servant with 5 talents turned it into 10. The servant with 2 talents flipped it into 4.Then there was the servant with 1 talent. This servant looked at this master who gave him this talent, this item of value and the responsibility to handle that talent accordingly and said: "I did nothing with it, I buried it in the dirt and I dug it out and dusted it off to give it back to you." Now, why would someone do this? Why would someone after seeing others work and make a profit or bear fruit, why would someone blatantly choose to not work and ignore a potential profit?

He told the master that he knew that this master was a hard and self-centered man who would take all the credit for himself if the servant made anything out of the talent he was responsible for. He gave the master an excuse. You are going to tell your master, your owner, your boss that he gave you this responsibility, but in a wicked sense of pride, you decided that you would do nothing with it because it will not be your name on the finished product? If you have ever thought like this servant than this next part is for you.  The master looked at his servant and called him a wicked and slothful servant. To put it plainly, he calls him a selfish, lazy bum.  The master tells him that if he knew what kind of master he was then he should have put the talent somewhere where the master could receive interest on it. He then stripped the wicked servant of the talent and gave it to the servant who would actually do something with it.

Application time. At the beginning of this blog, I asked a question: do you think what you have is your own? Do you think that your job is your own? Do you think that your ministry is your own? Do you think that your money is yours?  Now if you think all these things are yours then let me ask you this: which type of servant do you think that you are?  Are you the servant that knows that everything that you have received is from THE MASTER, you work with what The MASTER had given you, and you present to Him the fruits that you have reaped from what He gave you? Or are you that servant who thinks that God gave you a pity talent? Are you are going to mumble under your breath that you won't work hard in the ministry you are given because you won't get the credit for the fruit? Will you watch that talent get taken from you and given to someone else?

Do you think that what you have is your own? If you know it is not then what kind of servant are you toward The Master?


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