Ecclesiastes 12-26
In this section we start to see how Solomon has realized that none of what accomplish in his life will matter when he dies, all he's many labours for what? So that the next king in line after him can live high off the hog of Solomon. How does Solomon know that the next king will be as wise as he is or will he be a fool enjoying someone else's hard work. But Solomon also starts to see how he can be proceeded as a fool himself in his actions. In his quest to find satisfaction he has turned away from God and focus on the Materialist.
Just like man today, I wrote before that we always want to latest an greatest gadget, well why is that? So we don't look like that fool with the outdated model cell phone or tablet. The truth is that will happen anyway whether we can help it or now then where will you be, You'll go from the guy with the lastest "smart phone" to being the fool that wasted hard earned cash on a hunk of plastic meant for phone calls.
Funny that we call them "smart phones.'" since when did children of God who are good in the sight of the Lord need a item of Vanity to validate their worth and intelligence? Doesn't make us to smart now does it? For even Solomon saw by the end of this chapter that it was for naught, "For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and heap u, that he may give to him that is good before God.
This also is Vanity and Vexation of spirit."
Father God I know we need not bring materialist items unto you in order to seek your blessing of wisdom and wholeness. we only need to put you first for us to receive all that you promised us. I pray that we use your wisdom and teachings wisely and in honor of you always. For all these things I humbly pray
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