James 1:13-18
Last night I was talking to a person who i deemed a friend and she proceeded to call me fake because I change my way of talking to her from being that of a lustful perv who wanted her constantly, to that of a respectful friend and someone he saw as family. So I began giving her my testimony, explaining how the version of myself that you are referring to and is clinging too never truly made or kept me happy and died the moment I accepted Christ in my life and I am changing for the better and I'm happy for it. Needless to say she was not to happy about it. She began to disrespect the bible and say that i'm just letting "some book written by monks" control the screwed up person that I truly am. After that she said that she was as twisted and as screwed up as God had made her so how could i deem myself more devoted than she. God made her twisted and screwed up and still loved her. Needless to say that she did not like me showing her the truth last night and since has refused to talk to me.
I bring this up because this way of thinking is not a new thing or and a growing idea, it is a living breathing old ideology that God made mankind wicked and twisted and that is false and sicking. For one to say that and to say they were made in his image you are saying that God himself is wicked and twisted and that is the furthest thing from the truth. For God is pure and sinless and clean, he made man to be pure and in his image and it is mankind that sinned and choice to give into the temptation of sin. It is mans who faultier and decide to go away from God, you cannot say you love the Lord and continue to follow old sins and them blame God for it. For he is pure and has sacrificed himself to cleanse us of sin and all he ask of us is to love him and follow his will and turn away from sin. For he created us to serve and praise him. That is what all mankind should do if they truly believe that there father loves them. Because if you believe he did all these things for you, then the least you can do is have complete faith in him, rebuke the temptation of sin and walk with him til the day you meet him and sit at his table.
Father God I know we are your children, and like children do we sometimes don't like to mind. But it is with your mercy and grace that we are able to wake up each day with new life and one more day to minister to nations of lost children who both know of you and who don't know you. We ask for your wisdom and patience, for we may not reach all the tribes of the world but we will abide by your words and spread your message to all people in hopes that there will be salvation and another member will join our ever growing family in heaven. In you son's name I pray
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