Submit and the devil flees

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

James 4:7

The devil wins when you do not try, he win when you do not read your bible, Reach out to lost people and present them the Gospel. he win when you don't attend church and fellowship with other believers in the faith. He wins when you rebel against God and go with the world. But do you know how we can beat the devil and we keep him out of our lives, by doing the exact opposite of everything I just listed in the first few sentences. When we lean on the Lord, when we listen to his word and believe on what we are learning and growing with the Lord we defeat the devil. In fact the day you were saved and confessed that Jesus was your Lord and Savior, you defeated the devil then and everyday after if you continued in the faith. For the devil is already defeated, he just doesn't know it. So submit to the Lord. follow him and let him lead your life and the devil will turn tail and run.


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