The Abomination Chapters (Leviticus 17-21)
Leviticus 18:27 (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled.)
These 5 Chapters illustrate every form of abominable work that the Lord has seen the men of the promised land have done. From incest to adultery, prostitution, and even Beastiality. These defiling examples whereof the nations that inhabited the land God was going to give to his people. The Lord commanded to be not like these people because you will not be apart of my people if you do. For God is holy and he expects his people to be holy.
Lord, I know I have struggled with abominations in my past and I have walked away from you more than once. But I thank you for your mercy and I want to be holy just like you are and just like your son. Teach me, Lord, to be holy. For you are Holy.
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