Why do we doubt God?
Exodus 13-18
In these five chapters of Exodus, you seem immense doubt throughout the nation of Israel.
This is just after they witness Go send plague after plague across the nation of Eygpt and spare them his wrath. He tells them to prepare for the mass exodus from Egypt, he had them go the long route to their salvation and not through the land of the Philistines, to protect them from the fear of the philistines and turn away. But he took them the way where he would make it known that he would take care of them. He guided them day and night to the red sea and when they saw the waters and heard the armies of Eygpt charging at them they were afraid and doubted God. But God protected them and spared them.
When they were thirsty and there was no clean water to drink they doubted God, He, in turn, make the water drinkable. When they grew angry and hungry to the point of wish to be slaves in Eygpt because at least they had vegetables to eat on. The Lord provided for them still.
This devotion Is summed up like this Why do we doubt God? Because we as human beings are flawed, scared and we struggle with fleshly wants and desires. But no matter how far we go in our doubt. God has and will provide.
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