You think you understand God

Job 37:15-24

In this part of the book of Job Elihu, A young man is speaking after hearing Job cries of pride and sadness and justification against the hardships that has fallen on him. He would say that he had done nothing wrong to deserve the punishment God has given him and would then turn and isn't that what we all like to do. We let our pride tell us what we do and do not deserve from God. Elihu had listen to Job say how good he was and how sinless he was and he listen to Job question God for what has happen to him long enough. In  chapter 37 Elihu question Job in the best way possible, Do you know God? To be more specific do you know how or why God does the things he does. because in our pride we like to think that we know how the almighty God works in this world. We think we can tell how God will act and behave in this world. To quote and friend of mind and a pastor " we try to put a bow around the infinite Almighty one and make him fit in our world" The problem with that is simple, how can we make him fit in our world when he is the one who make the world in the first place.

In our pride we think we can get away with anything and so we do. We numb ourselves to God's rules and his love and we Justify to him why we think we should be able to do so. We sin, we blaspheme, we go against God in big ways and small ways because we think that we know God. We think we understand God. That can become the pattern and mind set for preachers we think that we can do whatever because "we know God," but to quote scripture "Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?"  As a man of God, I may gain a bit of understanding when it comes to God's book.  And in my pride and selfishness I can slip and fall if I let myself think I know more than God. Then sin will creep in and then I am done for.

This is a devotion of humility. If you ever get to the point where you think you understand  how God works then you have not spent time in his words very long. You haven't prayed to him in a long time and asked him to take that pride and stubbornness out of you so that way you can serve him better.  So I will leave this post by saying this, Do you want to know God and see how awe inspiring he truly is and serve him or do you want to understand him and miss the mark by miles.  


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