VBS Salvation and updates

This week is my churches vacation bible school and it has been off to an amazing start. Our van for our bus ministry has been packed the past two days and on the first night we saw two kids saved. This week we are raising money to support a bible college building fund and a chance to see our church staff covered in ice cream.

One of the children that was saved was a boy in my class name Jacob. He is a young man who looked at me and said "I do not want to go to hell, I want to be saved." So I took him aside and explained to him what it meant to be saved. and how that Jesus came to earth to repair the relationship with us and save us from sin inn the world. By dying on the cross and rising again on the third day Jesus too all the sin of the world on to himself and nailed it to the cross, and all you have to do to have Jesus take away your sins is to believe on Jesus.

That night He accepted and changed his life. Praised God!


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