Prov. 27:17
"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."
This past week Missionary Jim Roberts has been teaching our class and he has been speaking on how we need to disciple someone in the mission field and that we need people and friends so that we may grow in a better understanding in that nation we will be going to, to become comfortable with the locals. This is how we will be able to become better at doing what God is calling us to do in the great commission. We can not spread the word of God while we are offending the people we are trying to minister to. We should gain a disciple in that country, learn from them the lay of the land, the language and culture, and while they educate you on them. You in turn will educate them in our lord Jesus Christ. As you improve in your ministry and understanding, So will their desire to be close to God. In the end you will both come out sharper than before.
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