Since coming to Vision i have heard people talk about how alot of people will take verse 20 out of context and use it as an excuse to just do whatever they feel like doing because they have grace( or I guess in their mind a get out of sin free card.) But they are not taking into consideration why the verse speaks in that manner. Nor are they taking in the surrounding text to explain the verse.
Adam brought sin into this world and with it he brought death and obedience, because of that we were doomed and damned to hell from the day one. Adam was they start of us all and our hereditary from him was death by sin. I was years later when God made the law to aid in his people against their impending sentence into hell, but unfortunately the people still were not able to rid themselves of sin. Which is true because it will take something stronger than man to cleanse us of something inside us.
Behold grace by way of Jesus Christ, the best cure in the world.For those who believe in him he give of everlasting life he protects us and loves us, he is God who made himself into sin to bear all of our sins so that we could have eternal life and walk with God again. The beautiful part about this is that he made it so that everyone could have it. It was meant for all mankind, all you had to do is to love and believe in him and follow his and let him show you the joy and awesomeness that goes with being with Christ.
So yes grace does abound more than sin but that does not mean you are given this a way out of getting into trouble. God still hates sin and he still punishes those who sin. But with grace we are given this wonderful gift from God so we could show the world all that can be accomplish when we are walking with Christ and when we live with him, when we struggle against sin, we remember and with grace we have our victory over that temptation because Our Savoir became sin, he died carrying that sin with him to hell and he left it there and came back to life and because of that we all born anew in Christ.
Father God thank you for all that you do for us, from the day you created the world to the day yo decide you stop it from flouting in space, we thank you for every single second we have. For bearing the wrath and cleansing us of it all and granting of forgiveness and being able to walk with you. We thank you and will work to be more like your son Jesus and be a light in this world of darkness and show the world you mercy and wonder. In all these things I pray
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