Ecuador Geography:Guayaquil
The country of my choice is the country of Ecuador and the city is the city of Guayaquil. Their largest city and possible home for my wife and I. It is home to 3 million people and is the bridge to the coast as well as being the port city for the country. In this paper we will go through the major human Geography of this city.
The Port of Guayaquil is Ecuador's most important commercial port; most international import and export merchandise passes through the Gulf of Guayaquil. As the largest city in the country, most industries are located either in the city or its peripheral areas. Thus making it the main source of livelihood for the city.
This city under the same economical functions as any other major city. You have your Metropolitan area, You have your suburban area with churches you their community. You have ghettos that are rumored to be dangerous places but they are not. As well as their privileged or isolated areas of the city. In this when I mean privileged I am meaning they have the privilege of living in a certain area, in this case an island connected by bridge to the city and yet they are isolated because no one else is allowed on this one particular piece of land due to it being a wildlife preserve.
This beautiful area and the people living there are are needing something you can not see on in these picture. It is the love of Jesus. They have a beautiful land but it needs the Gospel. above is a picture of apart of the city and a map of it. Please pray that the Lord will send more workers to them.
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