Ecuador's Need
The title of this Blog is called Ecuador's need.

This is a picture of the Virgin Mary posed as a statue standing on the serpent(the devil) standing on top of the world. This statue is standing on the hill and on this hill you can see all of the capital city of Quito, Ecuador. My country has changed in the last 17 years, they faced a point of need and desperation, but now they are modernizing and improving. but this is still standing it has not changed. The false Idols worship and praise is still evident and the need for the truth is still strong. now this statue is a tourist spot and if you buy a shirt that has the Ecuador major attractions on it you will see the image of this statue. The false teaching of marry superseding the Lord it very well known in Latin american culture. I am not her to say we will go and destroy this statue. I am here to tell you that we are going because this image shows that there is a bigger need in this country. This need is not financial, it is spiritual. Catholicism is this popular here and in south america. As well as other false teaching. But I will tell you this I am not worried or afraid about this, I am prepared to face the principalities of this world and tell the people of Ecuador that the money in their pocket is not the cure for the need in their life it is not the virgin mary on a hill. The one that meets your needs and will lift you up is the Lord Jesus Christ and I ask that you all may pray for my wife and I as we go back to this place and tell them the truth.

This is a picture of the Virgin Mary posed as a statue standing on the serpent(the devil) standing on top of the world. This statue is standing on the hill and on this hill you can see all of the capital city of Quito, Ecuador. My country has changed in the last 17 years, they faced a point of need and desperation, but now they are modernizing and improving. but this is still standing it has not changed. The false Idols worship and praise is still evident and the need for the truth is still strong. now this statue is a tourist spot and if you buy a shirt that has the Ecuador major attractions on it you will see the image of this statue. The false teaching of marry superseding the Lord it very well known in Latin american culture. I am not her to say we will go and destroy this statue. I am here to tell you that we are going because this image shows that there is a bigger need in this country. This need is not financial, it is spiritual. Catholicism is this popular here and in south america. As well as other false teaching. But I will tell you this I am not worried or afraid about this, I am prepared to face the principalities of this world and tell the people of Ecuador that the money in their pocket is not the cure for the need in their life it is not the virgin mary on a hill. The one that meets your needs and will lift you up is the Lord Jesus Christ and I ask that you all may pray for my wife and I as we go back to this place and tell them the truth.
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