Omelets and Missions (Spiritual walk rant)

This last trip I took out of the country was truly an experience I’ll never be able to forget, and I would never want to. In the
First is my wife Micaela who invited me to church when we first met at Waffle House two years ago. She was a new server and we actually didn't like one another and I want my life to change from the sin in it. But after working with her and talking with her for hours, she invited me to church. I promised her that I would. I missed the first serves but I made us for it the next time. At that time I was lost. I knew what a Christian was from growing up in a church-going family, but if it wasn’t for her inviting me to Vision, I would have never known God.
The next person I would like to mention is Robert Canfield. He is our assistant Pastor and the man that led me to the Lord. He baptized me and brought me to the Training Center. Through him disciplining me I’ve learned what it means to be a man of God. What started with him just asking me to read the bible each day and meeting once a week. To me rambling to him about what I read and then he asked me to write it down. And If you have seen some of my earlier writings, I write how I ramble. Then he asked me what I wanted to do with all of this reading, writing and studying. I thought on it and as I was auditing classes for the Training Center that's when I knew what I was here to do. God put me here to preach. I would've never got to that point if it wasn't for the time he took with me.
Last and not least I want to thank John Pearson. A little back story about this is Brother Pearson was a customer of mine during my time at Waffle House. Every morning I would make him an omelet, not knowing that he had a heart for missions and a heart for Ecuador. Every morning I would see would see his Tahoe pull in to the parking lot and I would have it made for him and just go back to cleaning. We would chat a bit if I was cleaning near him and my wife would pour his coffee, but that was it that was our interaction for the longest time. I was just a baby christian and new to missions and then I starting doing research into countries to do ministry. Before I knew it I had saw the need for Ecuador and I wanted the Lord to send me there. After finding that out I found out that Brother John was praying for a missionary to go to this country every year. God has a way of working things out. From flipping Omelets and having coffee, to
at a round table in Ecuador and watching the ministry work down there.
Oh What a Mighty God We serve.
He put in my heart to work and care for others, but I didn't know I would care for them as a Preacher and a Missionary.
What A Mighty God We Serve.
I love this post! God´s grace is AMAZING! I love it, from flipping omelets to serving Almighty God.