1 peter 2:13

"Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;" 

We all have those bosses that we can not stand. Some are our current boss, some are not, but we have all been there. They get on our nerves and push every button you have until you brake, but is it necessarily there fault you are getting upset with them, or is it because you  have in your head that you know better than they?

God requires you to submit and be humble for you just as Christ is Our lord and King in our faith, in a lesser capacity your boss in the lord of your work place. So you can not beat your chest at them and show your teeth at them because as you choose to follow and obey Christ because he know what is best for your spiritual well being. So does your boss in you professional life. 

Never forget to be humble, pride leads to destruction.


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