2 Timothy 2:24

"And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient," 

In class we have learned how not to so boastful and proud of the fact that we are american's on the mission because when we move to that country that place becomes our home, We should not go over there with a stick our chest out and state that we are better than them, we are their superior and we are there to take over. We are there because we are the lords servants and  we are giving a job to do and that is to love all men, to teach them about the glory of God. It's like training someone at your job, you can not strive and boast and get annoyed with who you are training, For we are all children of God we are all the same, still learning everyday, to remember to be patient in your teaching because the Lord was patient and gentle with you even at your worst. Are you saying your judgement is more important than the Lords?


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