
"He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city".

Since getting saved and rededicating my life to Christ I have had moments where is I've had to fight my temper and remind myself that this is not who I am any more. That I am a new creature and a child of God, and I should love my neighbor and have a Christ like mind and see the world with new eye and a open heart. My biggest test of that is definitely my job. As you all know I'm a short order cook at waffle house down the street from church, Mica is usually my coworker and at time we will have nights where everything would go nuts, customers would irritate me, servers would not work as hard as others and time would not be on our side. And I would want to take out all my frustration on something or some one. Violent thoughts start creeping in like a thief in the night trying to steal my joy. Now the old me would wait till I had a second go outside and smash something to pieces, but that would only cause me more trouble in the end. But thankfully now I have a better way to coup with my temptation of anger. This verse, which i keep folded up in my wallet, and prayer, I pray and thank God every time I walk to work, before my shift with Mica, during the shift as I'm cooking, and after the craziness is over and I'm burnt out and I just want to snap. I step away and go to a quiet place and I say this verse and I bless God and pray to him and thank him for all he has done for me that night and every night. 

When  we feel our blood begin to boil and we begin to get hot headed, we should remember that Christ himself had moments and times where we could have snapped and went off on everyone one, Yet he didn't, he loved and he carried on, God anger was kindle so many times in the Old testament  by the people of Israel yet he still loved them and he would let his anger subsided. As we are meant to walk with God I want us to think about this, in times of anger, read this verse and thing ask yourself, will I allow the world of man to become an angry stumbling block in my walk with Christ, my answer is "no" everytime, I'm hoping it is the same for you.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for your blessings today as well as everyday, we do not deserve these gifts you bestow upon us all and we humbly take them with thanksgiving, as we have service today I ask that you give Robert and Pastor Gardner some of your wisdom Lord as they Preach from your book that it may touch someone today Lord and bring us all closer to you, in all these things i do pray



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