Ecc. 5:8

"If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgement and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they"

Solomon watch mankind corrupt the law and use it to fill their pockets, too many times people believe that crooked politicians bending the rules is a new or shocking discovery. How wrong of us to think so. Perverting law and scripture has been a historical pass time far before the first power hungry man ever was written in the history books. it is just a part of life.

So what do we do about it, what are we suppose to do when we know this is going on.Once again Solomon the wise has the perfect answer to this, "marvel not at the matter" why make it a spectral? Why worry how that authority figure is perverting the law? This is nothing to new to this world. You probably know of someone right now using the scripture for his own personal gain. Yet what is the point for you to get out raged by it. Solomon has already showed you that this has all happened before for nothing in this world is new. so why become upset by it? 

Here is the calming thought you must remember, the highest authority will deal with them. in the coming days why will be see by the highest of highest, our savior Jesus Christ, his view and his judgement far outranks our own. We must simply let him work in this world and in the heart of the corrupt. why can speak to these people, but not hark on them and believe we are a higher authority to rival theirs, for in the end God is the highest and in the end it is God who will work it out.  


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